Medicinal Herbs and Other Alternative Remedies

Medicinal Herbs, Medieval Fair, Vic [enlarge]

The miracle cure, the panacea so much sought after in the history of mankind and yet so unattainable and utopic. I always wonder who was the first one to put a particular plant on a kettle to make an infusion or prepared a cataplasm to apply on wounds or simply decided to chew up some leaves after watching animals react (well, it happened with coffee berries anyway!) How many anonymous individuals probably dropped dead after doing that and exclaimed in the last moments of agony - wrong leaf, forget about this one! Here are some samples of medicinal herbs at a local medieval fair in Vic. I don't know the name but it is indicated in the treatment of a swollen liver or hepatitis (fetge means liver in Catalan). A good example of old remedies for liver illnesses would be Anemone hepatica or hepatica nobilis.

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