Las Arenas in Barcelona, From Bullring to Shopping Center

Las Arenas Shopping Mall by Richard Rogers [enlarge]

Inaugurated back in March, 2011 this shopping center that arose from the "ashes" of an old bullring is clearly one the best examples of modern architecture in Barcelona. I took some more pictures of the surroundings and from above that I will post someday but not too many of the building as such. Maybe this link to a gallery published in the Guardian portraying Las Arenas before and after helps. A long time ago, when this project was starting I published a couple of images where you could see the whole building held above the ground by a steel framework: Las Arenas bullring in Plaça Espanya and Las Arenas: A Historic Barcelona Bullring to Become a Leisure Center. The posts are so old that some links are not working. At least this one to architect Richard Rogers' main site still works. 105.000 sq meters of retail and leisure. 12 movie thdaters. A fully equipped gym, including a jogging track. A wonderful 360 degree platform around the dome to enjoy one of the best panoramic views of the city, specially Plaza España and the fountains of Montjuic. I suppose the place will be crammed packed for La Merce celebrations in September. Finally here the Las Arenas shopping centre's main site, unfortunately just in Spanish.

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