Every Week is Transfer Week

10 JAN 2012 Our wonderful Hna. Ruz, who had agreed to extend her mission briefly (meaning she would spend both Christmas and her birthday in the mission rather than at home), returned home after serving a remarkably productive mission. By serving an extra 4-weeks, she was able to continue training her new companion, the legendary Hna. Mancera.

Farewell, Hermana Ruz! We look forward to big things in your future (and an occasional visit visit from you)!

Hnas. Ruz, Hinckley and Mancera
17 JAN 2012 We recieved notice a couple of weeks prior that two missionaries, Hnas. Stephenson and Cruz, had received their visas and would be in Madrid on the 10th and come to us on the 17th! Hna. Stephenson had been serving in Utah SLC and Hna. Cruz on Temple Square. Then on Monday we learned that Elder Shumway would be coming to Barcelona with them on Tuesday! And, the biggest suprise was that Elder Roco would be arriving from Santiago, Chile on Tuesday evening! So instead of receiving just the two missionaries we expected, by the time the day was over we had welcomed 4 new missionaries!

Hna. Stephenson

Elder Shumway

Hna. Cruz

Elder Roco
We don't expect to have any more new arrivals until next Tuesday, 24 JAN 2012!

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